Check out our monthly newsletter, the Wildcat Chat, for upcoming important dates, PTO highlights and updates!


​​Join the group of volunteer parents, teachers and staff that work to make our school a great place for learning and fun!

The Wildcat Chat

Meeting Minutes

​Walker's Grove Elementary PTO

Miss a meeting? Find meeting notes posted here!

2024-2025 PTO Board Members

         President - Joanna McColgan  

         Vice President - Desi Kedzior
​         Secretary
- Sue Scarbrough

         Treasurer - Sarah Shah 

         Fundraising - Beth Nassis 

         Family Activities - Rebecca Villegas

         Public Relations - Colleen Wilson 

PTO Meeting Dates

Meetings are from 6:30-7:30 PM in the Walker's Grove Media Center. Please join us!​​

JOINING THE PTO is as easy as 1, 2, 3!


2. Complete the Form. 

3. Return the Form with payment.   OR